The colors I decided to use with my brushed logo were green and red. Red because it is symbolic for passion and the green along with it because it helped bring forth a great 3d type of look.
My autoscopy project is almost a literal view inside my mind. I’d like to call it something like “Visions”. The picture that I put up of myself is a picture of me actually directing my second film. It says a lot about where I’m at when I’m in my element of film making. I constantly have visions of film circumstances and scenes that I see as I experience life. I almost never stop thinking about creating. I used the red carpet picture because that’s where I envision myself after completing works of art. I used the picture of the award because I absolutely envision being awarded for my efforts in what I accomplish. The picture of the stars relate to that same vision. The film equipment photo is basically being on set doing what I love. This photo has a lot of significance when it comes to my thought process.
My piece is called a "King Reigns". It was originally a phaoraoh picture that I found online. The online picture was way more intricate and detailed than what I could actually pull off appropriately. I wanted to do something of this nature inspired by the late Legend Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant is a King that built a Legacy that will literally reign forever, so the purple and gold in my picture is representation of that. The main issues I faced when doing my project was the guess work on creating my lines in a symmetrical manner. The work was quite tedious as I pretty much eyeballed and played around with what I wanted to do until I was satisfied with what I had done. I was a complete overthinker when it came to my layers and likely could've saved a ton of time had I used single lines from one complete side of the head piece to the next. Instead, I used individual lines which made the project just a little more precise. If I would've just used the lines straight throu...
For my propaganda assignment, I decided to use a self-portrtait of myself that didn't really convey any emotion aside from seriousness. The depth of my message is a serious one so I wanted to have a poster that represented the same. It's called American skin because of the two Americas I personally feel like we live in. A social issue we've had as a country is the difference in the treatment of black humans vs. white humans by law enforcement. It's an issue that seems to bring forth major controversy, when in reality it's as simple as there being an injustice done unto a certain group of humans in America. There have been numerous killings of black citizens who have been unarmed and not shown any type of threat. When on the other hand, there have been numerous white citizens who have literally carried automatic weapons after killing innocent people, and the cops handled these individuals with care. it's just a pure injustice that none of us in this country s...
I think this came out great. I love the green you used and your logo. I think it all works together really well. Great job:)